06.06.2024, Thursday: I was a bit… bored(¿), or possibly my head was in the clouds (as usual) as I was thinking of things I’d like to create when I started making this little person:

It’s not even 3in /8cm tall.
I went to clean up for the day, having only gotten as far enough to making this “cup” :

Finished the base which is one of my favorite parts. Makes me feel like I’m working with wood.

Had a couple of handle ideas but went with this one:

I smooshed it a bit as I was getting in on the surface. Eye-balled the measurement which I know not to do, but – eh. That’s when I decided to do the following:

… and it made me wonder if I can make a series of these and leave them around town. A bit of ephemeral art. 🤔 That sounds pretty dope tbh. Let’s see what I can come up with.