[Turkish Coffee from Moka & Co. Astoria, NY]
It’s probably harder, while I’m in class, to figure out how I want this site to look.
Despite the template i picked, I still have this general idea in my head that I would like to upload. The Portfolio section really needs some attention, time, love, and care. Would like to showcase some of my work so I can reference it. And so that it makes this place more of a home. [hmpf]
Only 2 more classes until the end of the semester, which include 2 deadlines. So almost there! Not to mention that I need to spend more passionate time with submitting my résumé around the internet job forums. This has been making me sad as of late. So many submissions, so many rejections, so little hope.
On the bright side I’m looking forward to more nights sipping on Turkish coffee. ☕️ Can not wait! Longer walks with a clearer head that isn’t thinking about assignments and deadlines. More gym time. More skateboarding and cycling.
With that, have a great night.
~ 🤍